Statistics of 70 winning signals
On average 25 loosing signals 45 winning signals
Lot: 0.01
One trade = lost/profit = $14
25 loosing trades = ± = loosing $350
45 profiting trades =±= profit $630
So a package that had a cost of $35 your profit suppose to be: $270
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We at Signalswin.com™ are doing our best to provide the best possible signals for our paied customers. Signalswin.com™ cannot guarantee the users any profits or losses by using the system and acting upon the signals provided. No information on this website should be considered as a promise to make profits. The win potential and results of trading are the trader/user responsibility alone as well as his/her broker of choice. Signalswin.com™ does not take responsibility for any trader's and/or broker's actions on the website and outside it. In order to gain success in all types of trading, many variables must take place and should be taken in consideration. Signalswin.com™ provide only one opinion and variable out of many. Information provided should never be referred to as 100% success. There is no guarantee that you can replicate the success that is displayed on this web site or in that matter of any other Signalswin.com™ user that may or may not recommended this website to you. All the information displayed on our website, including the signals, is based solely AI. SignalsWin should not be referred as an investing or finance advisers. Any capital invested by you is at risk. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
Sherko Sherzad